Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Busy Day...Aren't They All

I posted this info on Caringbridge but I know people are out of the habit of checking that site since I don't post there daily. So here's a recap of our day in San Antonio. R. saw his orthopedic surgeon and had x-rays of his arm today. He has had some pain recently near the elbow and Dr. Williams says this is tendon stretching pain--actually a good thing. He also told him that the arm will continue to be somewhat fragile for the next year at least, and that he may never regain complete range of motion. This was not "bad" news as he can almost bend it all the way now and healing isn't even complete. He reminded him of the things to avoid, including heavy lifting. Oops. He has broken that rule a few times recently. Oh well. Also, Caleigh saw the neurologist today and he is pleased with where we are medication wise for now. He will continue to monitor her monthly for a while as we work through all the issues. We were able to visit with someone at the pedi-cardiologist's office today and initiate their evaluation of her. We will know more in a few days as they review her EEG from Dr. G. and decide how quickly she needs to be seen. In between appointments I got my nails done and we did a little (very little) back to school shopping. I detest trying to find appropriate clothing for my 8 year old. The things marketed for that age group are horrible. But that's another post...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got mostly good news from your visits. I totally understand about the school clothes. I dred going clothes shopping these days because it always becomes a battle of wills.
