Friday, September 25, 2009

What A Pain in the Neck

No really. Literally. I have the worst pain in my neck. I have known for some years now that I have degenerative disc disease in my neck. I was told about 15 years ago that I would need to have something done eventually. Several years ago when we had our car accident, the ER doctor was confident that I hadn't sustained any serious injuries in the accident, but couldn't believe I was walking around with my neck in the shape it is in. Now, this morning, I was sitting on Caleigh's bed helping her pick out clothes and I turned to the left to look at something. Should not have done that. I have been in pain all day long. Pinching, nauseating, sick pain. And tomorrow I get on a bus at 8 am, go to College Station, walk the A&M campus, go to watch the Aggies play football, then get back on the bus to return home around 1 am Sunday morning. I have been so excited about this trip, but now I am slightly worried. We shall see.

Changing the subject, the other pain in my neck (my washing machine) was pronounced dead earlier this week. We are now the proud, broke, owners of a new washer. Nothing fancy, but plenty expensive none the less.

Well, I am all out of good news for the day. Have a wonderful weekend.

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