Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Things I Have Been Pondering

1. Why, when you tell one child to stop doing something, do 3 others have to try it. Just to see if it applies to them as well?
2. Why do 8+ hours on a school bus = 8 days of wear and tear on your body? I am still not back to normal!
3. Why do my son's mischievous moods always coincide with my daughter's short temper days?
4. Why can't I ever find my clothes or my cooking utensils after my husband helps me? Now, I can hear it already--"AT LEAST HE HELPS!" Yes....but until you've searched all over two counties for your whisk or your brown camisole, don't knock my pondering the situation.
5. What does the President do on the rare days that he doesn't wake up thinking of ways to make teachers' lives more difficult? Thank you kindly sir, but I want to spend some time with my OWN family. American kids don't need more time in school, they need more stable home lives so that they can focus on learning. With all due respect, get a grip Mr. President.
6. Why does everyone's pencil need sharpening at exactly the same time?

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