Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 8--Thank God for My Parents!

I am so thankful for my parents. This isn't just a "random thoughts", nothing-else-to-be- thankful-for kind of post. There is deep meaning and feeling behind my words today. I am grateful to the very core of my being that God gave me parents who not only love me unconditionally, but loved me enough when I was young to discipline me and teach me respect. I was not in charge...not of our household, not of any classroom, not of decision making. There were things that they knew to be in my best interest that were REQUIRED of me. If I needed a "switch" from the tree in the front yard (or any other place--my mother has been known to CLIMB A TREE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!) to remind me what was best, then that's what happened. The discipline did not "ruin" me, did not harm me in any way. I enjoy a loving, close relationship with both of my parents today. Because I was taught obedience and respect as a child, I am able to apply it in areas of my life now. God help the families around me...and thank you, Mom and Dad.