Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3--LOL!!

Today I'm thankful for laughter. This may be the cheesiest blog post ever, but I really am just so thankful for all things humorous. I was born with a sarcastic, dry sense of humor and I suppose it will be with me for life. Don't see myself becoming a supermodel OR losing my sense of humor at this point in the game. Thank goodness.

I read two different blogs tonight, a daily part of my routine to destress and get ready for sleep--two blogs that made me laugh so hard that I had tears. Crazy, happy tears--the kind that can lead to slightly wet pants if one who had an 11 pound baby isn't careful. Here are some things over just the past few days that have made me laugh:
1. Pictures of my nieces Brilyn and Jacelyn as Dorothy and Toto.
2. My son's teacher imitations--side splitting hilarious if you're fortunate enough to catch a performance and even funnier if you know these men and women. He doesn't do it to be rude, or in a mean way. It's all out of love.
3. Taking group pics at school yesterday. Got all the kinder kids lined up on the risers. I was placed with my back to them, where I could not see them, and told to smile and not to worry. This is what I heard--"One, two, three...CHEESE! CRASH!!!" Turned around to find an empty spot on the back row. Sorry, but it WAS funny. The risers were NOT high and no one was injured.
4. Same child made up a song to sing on the way to group pictures..."I've got a wedgie, I've got a wedgie. Oh yes I do! Oh yes I do!"
5. Caleigh. Seriously, when the child is not driving me crazy, she makes me laugh harder than anyone else in the world.

Laughing is cleansing for the soul, good for the body, and a gift.


  1. So does Conner have an imitation of me yet????? I've heard some of his others... And they are quite good..... Definitely split my side!!! Lol

  2. He said to tell you "The Marcie" and you would know what I mean. Something about Anthony...I don't know. Both of my kids love you though, I know that!
