Friday, July 17, 2009

More of My Musings

"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. When
God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you. He's merely opening
your hands to receive something better."

I saw this somewhere the other day, and to be perfectly honest, after I copied and pasted it I promptly forgot (completely!) where it came from. My apologies to the author...I wonder about my mind sometimes. I will say this though, these words spoke to my heart in a way that few things do. I guess because I have been struggling so with the changes in my life over the past months, I don't know, but I can't stop thinking about it. Am I the only one who sees the wisdom in these words? When I look back over my life I see it again and again...thinking I knew what was best for me, having it pulled from my grasp, only to see that He had a better plan and knew EXACTLY what I needed. How old do you have to be before you learn? When do you stop fighting Him?

On a lighter note, in my quest for fun things to do that don't involve being out in the sun, we made a trip to Victoria yesterday and went to the mall and to Incredible Pizza. If you have an Incredible Pizza near you, take your family. It is a business based on Christian and healthy family principles--and it's fun! While the mall is not my favorite place to go, I had promised Conner so we went. As malls go, Victoria isn't TOO bad. What Conner wanted to do was stand around at Best Buy and listen to their geek squad give computer advice to people, then tell us what they REALLY should have told them. He wants to know if he can get a job as a computer consultant when he turns 16. Go for it son, I haven't the foggiest notion what you are talking about anyway. He keeps our electronics all running well, and for that we are happy.

Sorry there are no pictures. I had already made Russell turn around and go back for something once, when I realized that I forgot the camera. He wouldn't turn around twice--it could have had something to do with seeing the Victoria city limits sign before I realized the camera was at home. Men are so unreasonable sometimes...

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