Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It Could Be Worse

So I'm trying to convince my husband how lucky he is to have me. I tell him often how fortunate I am to have him, but I get nothing but complaints. Well, at least he complained once. Actually, I overheard him telling Caleigh she was Imelda Jr., referring to the woman with all the shoes some years ago...Anyway, he was implying that I am Imelda Sr. He has issues with my inability to pass up flip flops everywhere we go. So what if I only wear them to go outside and water the plants, he just doesn't understand...I could have MUCH worse habits, even in the shoe department. You never know when the occasion might arise for some bejeweled footwear that only cost $3, plus it brings me happiness. I really think he should consider himself blessed.

1 comment:

  1. love the flip flops....really $3?? he is blessed...we are all blessed with a girl like you! love ya! come see me!
