Monday, July 27, 2009

The Balancing Act That is My Life

First, look! He has a floor!!! I am so proud!!

Now for the not so happy news. It has officially started...the craziness that is my life when it comes to the time known as Back to School. I jumped in the car today and took off on that 10 mile drive to my other world, no looking back. Of course I dragged Russell with me. We spent about 3 hours moving my personal belongings from 3rd grade to kindergarten. We didn't even finish. Meanwhile, Conner inspired Caleigh to give her room a thorough cleaning and we have that going on at home. Also, I have 3 big boxes of books, etc. in our family room that were the result of Conner's cleaning HIS room. I have to go through them and take some to school, give some away, etc. All of this made me tired, so I took a nap and Russell cooked dinner. Spaghetti. Now my kitchen looks like, well, like Russell cooked dinner. The goal: to start school on August 24th with a clean classroom (make that 2 of those), 2 clean bedrooms (belonging to my children), a family room with no boxes, and the remains of one messy, though delicious, spaghetti dinner gone. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Tell your cleaning crew that they can hit up my house next.... :)
