Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jesus and Me

I bought Caleigh a little $1 painting set at Dollar Tree today (because I'm just generous like that) and she was working on it this afternoon. She asked me what I thought the box at the bottom was for. I distractedly (because that's my middle name) answered that I wasn't sure. She thought for a minute, then replied: "Well, I think I'll just do my best to draw a picture of me and Jesus there." I love the hearts of children! How many of us draw pictures of ourselves with Jesus? When do we lose that? Children somehow seem to feel closer than we do as adults to our Creator and our Savior. It sat outside to dry and ran a little, it's hard to make out that picture. But Jesus knows that it's there. So does this Mommy's heart.

1 comment:

  1. so this touched a aunts heart that little girl...brought tears to my eyes...i hope, no I pray that as she gets older she continues to "draw pictures of her and Jesus" that she can keep that innocense and grow deeper and deeper in faith and love of our Savior....what a blessing my babies are!!!
    love ya
