Sunday, November 8, 2009

On the 8th Day of Thanksgiving My True Love Gave to Me...

wait--wrong thing. I realize I may be writing much more than some of the other people who are keeping up with this month of thanks thing, but it really is good for the soul. When you are focusing on what you are thankful for, the other junk in life just seems to fade away. That being said, today I am thankful for a special group of people. NOTE: Excuse the slight sappiness in this category, but I LOVE my nieces and nephews!

Megan, you made me an aunt for the first time. You were the most precious baby and have grown into a beautiful young woman. You share my love of chocolate and teaching young children. You are going to be an incredible teacher. Ryan, you have always been able to melt my heart. You were such a sweet little boy, loving and curious. Now you are all grown up, but still very loving. You are amazingly intelligent and unique! Jake, you are my book loving boy! Your wisdom far surpasses your years. We all learn from you on a daily basis. I will vote for you when you run for president--you are the only 2nd grader I know who has his political views already ironed out. You and I will get Lissie straightened out one of these days! Reagan, our little bundle of energy! Your zest for everything you do is so much fun to watch. I wish we lived closer so I could watch you play sports. I love that you are so poised that you have already volunteered and read scripture in church. You would be a blast to have in the classroom. And Brilyn--I got to know you when you were just a few hours old. You make me laugh little girl--you are a hoot (yes I know, you are NOT a hoot you are Brilyn Grace Bridges! ) and you are very smart, too. Notice a theme, I have the SMARTEST nieces and nephews in the world! Each one of you is a blessing and a joy to me.

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