Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 5

I am so thankful for my family of origin. My parents and three sisters are not only some of my greatest supporters and cheerleaders, they are just FUN to be around. We can laugh harder than any group of people I know (usually at Milissa! Oh come on, you KNOW how much we love you!!)--seriously, I am blessed to have each of them in my life. When Russell and I got married, we had three sets of our grandparents at our wedding, my mom's parents having both already passed away. The combined years of marriage including our grandparents and parents was something like 250 years at that time. What examples. I can honestly say that my parents instilled in me a love for the church. I never remember church being a "chore" or something we "had" to do--it was a joy! There is just no better legacy than that. And my sisters...what to say here. Donetta and I were given the gift of two little living dolls when we were 9 and 11 and while the four of us may have very different personalities, we are definitely sisters! I long for a day when we might all live closer to one another and spend more time together. Mom, Dad, Donetta, Michelle, and Milissa--I love you and thank God for you!


  1. i am the one that gets laughed at...but some crazy things happen to thankful for you to sis!

  2. We are pretty lucky to have each other-we are all very different, but in a good way-well I guess (Donetta is just out there :)) Anyways, I love you more than you know and will always be a cheerleader, a shoulder, and an ear. Kiss my babies-
    Love ya,
