Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3rd Night of Thankfulness

I have learned a great life lesson today. It wasn't fun. Honestly, it hurt...a lot. I am telling you, it is often true that the harder you try to get it all together, the harder Satan works to tear it all apart. He is sneaky though, and sometimes uses the most unlikely ways of getting US to tear ourselves apart. When you let anyone or anything (even a "helping" profession) become too important, things will self destruct. If I didn't care so much about what I do and how I do it, it wouldn't matter what anyone else thinks about it. I however, have put WAY too much stock into what other people think for ENTIRELY too long. It's over. I know who I am, I know who's I am, I know my heart and my intentions, and as long as I periodically do some self reflection and CONSTANTLY pray for guidance, I AM OKAY! Really! No matter what anyone thinks. They don't have to like me, and I don't have to like them. I will treat them as a child of God. That's it. I am above all the mess of this world and NOTHING, NOTHING, is more important than my relationship with Christ. I happen to also believe that He meant for me to put my family next. I have to be comfortable with those two things before I can consider anything or anyone else.

So what am I thankful for tonight, when my whole body aches with the pain of worldly chaos and meanness? That it doesn't matter. At all.


  1. Not sure exactly what is going on with you but sounds like you have got your head on straight. I am sorry that you have to go through these things and wish that you could catch a break once in awhile at least! Seems that Satan is really busy these days throwing barbs in our direction and using people we love and trust to try to hurt us....I totally understand and sympathize with you. You must be doing something right if Satan is attacking you so! Keep praying and know that there are still a bunch of us who would never hurt you or betray you! Love "Mom"

  2. you my sister are a wise woman....in so many ways. i am so proud of you for realizing it doesnt matter what people say or do or think..all that matters is you are a child of the King. we have awesome parents that instilled in us the desire to be the best at what we do...and guess what you are amazing at what you do. i have always wanted to be just like you...maybe one day :) i love you more than words

  3. Hurtful mean things hurt us so bad sometimes-the kind of hurt that you feel in your bones-especially when it comes from someone we trust. I don't know the situation...yet, but I know that we all serve an all knowing Creator who is fully aware of the situation-who knows what you are capable of facing and knows the integrity and character that you have. I have always admired the fact that you are able to face tough situations with humility and grace. Know that I hold you in my thoughts and prayers always...He is GREATER and ABLE-but you already knew that!

    I am always a phone call away-and I've been known to be a pretty good listener.

    I love you so so so so so much-
    Your other sister

  4. love you more than words mom
