Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Baby Boy is 14 Today!!!

Wow, another long and busy day. While I am thinking about it, I forgot to mention last night that the cardiologist left me a detailed voice mail that everything on Caleigh's monitor was within normal limits. We are so very thankful for the prayers, and relieved that there are no problems. Today is a special day, we are celebrating Conner's 14th birthday. Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday that I was holding my tiny firstborn. Most everyone who reads this blog probably knows Conner's story, but in case you don't--he is a living miracle. I had a very complicated pregnancy and when he was finally taken by emergency c-section 5 weeks early, the doctors could not believe that he survived. The placenta and cord had multiple blockages--scientifically he should never have been able to live. But God had other Plans! He is an amazingly compassionate, kind young man with his father's wacky sense of humor and his mom's brown eyes. He can discuss sports stats in a way that boggles my brain completely and he has a math brain that is unbelievable (don't know WHERE that came from!). Due to his diagnosis over the past couple of years of JRA and RSD, he lives with pain that is sometimes debilitating and almost always present, but his smile is present as well. We love him, and cannot wait to see what else God has planned for him. When he was little we would say he was Daddy's buddy and Mommy's love--he still is. Love you buddy--Happy happy birthday!


  1. Hard to believe these big kids were once the tiny little babies we carried. Happy Birthday to Conner!

  2. Happy brithday, Conner. We love you!

    What a beautiful post, Saundra!
