Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in...Yes, Kindergarten!

Lesson 1: Don't ask your students to describe your hair color. They will tell the truth. I am impressed with their vocabulary, though. Who knew they could use "grayish" so well.

Lesson 2: No matter how much energy you have when you arrive in the morning, they will deplete EVERY LAST OUNCE OF IT! (And all the caffeine in the world during your conference time will not help!)

Lesson 3: Be sure you count the plastic lizards before you start handing out bribes incentives.

More lessons later, I can no longer think. Something to do with my grayish hair and low energy I believe. Love, sb

1 comment:

  1. Funny, if nothing else these 10 little ones are going to provide you with a lot of love, laughter and fodder for your blog!
